Laboratory for Dynamics of Machines and Structures

The 2nd

Open-source Scientific Computing in Structural Dynamics

Conference and Summer School

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We are pleased to announce that the Open-source Scientific Computing in Structural Dynamics Conference and Summer School will take place in June 16-19, 2025.

This conference and summer school is started to promote and accelerate open source-based research in the field of structural dynamics.

Single-track presentations of open- source effort related to structural dynamics are planned for the first two days (Monday and Tuesday).

While the Summer school (Wednesday, Thursday) will focus on open-source effort related to the Python programming language, other programming languages (e.g., Matlab) are welcome for the conference presentations.

The summer school will accept up to 15 attendees per track (first-come, first-serve basis).

Event program


  1. Monday June 16th, day 1
    Single-track presentations
    Welcome reception

  2. Tuesday June 17th, day 2
    Single-track presentations
    Conference dinner


  3. Wednesday June 18th, day 3 - Summer school common track
    Intro to Python, numerical methods, signal processing.
    3h of lectures, 3h of hands-on work. Summer school dinner.

  4. Thursday June 19th, day 4, track 1: Vibration fatigue
    3h of lectures, 4h of hands-on work.
  5. Thursday June 19th, day 4, track 2: High-speed camera identification
    3h of lectures, 4h of hands-on work.
  6. Thursday June 19th, day 4, track 3: Substructuring
    3h of lectures, 4h of hands-on work.
  7. Thursday June 19th, day 4, track 4: Collaboration on open source projects
    3h of lectures, 4h of hands-on work.

A detailed breakdown of the summer school program can be found here.

Conference proceedings

You will be able to access the conference proceedings here.

Plenary Speakers

Speaker 1: Thiago Ritto

Abstract: The first step to build ROSS, an open-source software for rotordynamics, started in 2018 in a partnership between the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and Petrobras. Now (2024) there is a cooperation between the Federal University of Uberlândia, the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and Petrobras to keep things moving forward. ROSS documentation has been accessed by over 3,000 people across more than 10 different countries, has been downloaded 1,258 times last month, and dozens of researchers and engineers have been contributing to its development. In ROSS, the shaft is modeled using the Timoshenko beam theory and discretized by means of the finite elemente model (6-DOF per node), disks are rigid bodies, and bearings and seals are stiffness / damping / mass components. Among its capabilities, one can analyze static deflections, modal characteristics (e.g Campbell diagram and normal modes), frequency responses, time responses, and orbits. In this work, we will talk about the history of ROSS, and how it has been developing over the years. In addition, some rotating machine applications that use ROSS to perform uncertainty analysis, reduced-order modeling and virtual sensoring, are going to be presented.

Speaker 2: TBA


The conference and summer school will be held at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Aškerčeva 6, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

All other planned events (social etc.) will take place within walking distance of the faculty.

Target audience

Target audience are PhD researchers, PhD or final year MSc students working in the field of structural dynamics.

Course accreditation

Attendees have the option to obtain 3 ECTS.

What to expect

At the conference, you can expect to learn about the recent effort in the development of particular open-source packages related to structural dynamics scientific research.

At the summer school we will help you to understand how the open-source community operates and how to write open-source code so that it can be used by other researchers. Summer school attendees will receive the full source code of the summer school.

Three tracks are planned (see preliminary program).

The course language is English.

Prior knowledge

The summer school will heavily depend on the programming language Python. Basic knowledge of Python is expected. The users of Matlab should be able to quickly catch up.

Important dates

Some important dates to keep in mind:

Conference and Summer School fee

The conference fee is 430€ (early-bird 390€).

The Summer-school fee is 430€ (early-bird 390€).

The conference and summer-school fee is 790€ (early-bird 690€).

The fee includes lunch and refreshments during breaks, welcome conference reception and Conference / Summer school dinner.


You can register by filling in the following registration form.

Conference paper submission information

To present your work at the OpenSD conference, first submit a 200-250 word abstract, following the link below.

The final conference contributions are expected in the form of 2-4 page extended abstracts, formatted using the provided LaTeX or MS Word template.

Upload / edit your submission here.

Conference presentation informaion

When presenting your work at the conference, please include the OpenSD2025 logo on the title slide.

You can use the .pptx presentation template.

All conference presentations are limited to 15 minute time-slots. Please make your presentation a few minutes shorter, to allow some time for discussion in the allotted time.

The presentation template and the OpenSD2025 logo image are included in the below archive.

  • Presentation template
  • Useful links

    For participants who wish to stay in Ljubljana a little longer and see more of Slovenia, here are some useful links:


    Relevant Scientific References

    For scientific articles on the topic, please see our web site, especially papers:

    Selected open source references


    For further information please contact us at

    Event chair


    Janko Slavič, PhD
      +386 1 4771 226
    jankoslavic     jankoslavic    

    Conference administrator


    Domen Gorjup, PhD
      +386 1 4771 227